

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

darkened dwellings.

dangerous.  it is a dangerous thing.
crawling from the deepest depths of hell.
the deepest, darkest well of your being.
eating you from the inside.
pumping through your veins to your brain,
and your heart.
the main organs just don't stand a chance against such a monstrosity.
like a horror film projecting itself repeatedly in my mind, while the walls around me closed in.
made me sick.
enough to throw up the little faith I had.
Intending that the pill of hope would make me feel better,
make the pain die away..
it wasn't the pain that died.
I died
hoping to be reborn
because this depression took over.
my heart, my brain, my thoughts, my happiness, my soul...
the things I tried to protect.
the things that made me, ME.
I tried..
I fell victim to the torture.
sleepless nights
most days I felt nothing, but numbness.
I felt like a zombie
hoping that I would be saved, but who does the saving when you're suffering,
and have only yourself?
pushing the thoughts back to the vault of hell in my mind because,
I didn't want to be a burden.
I didn't want to release my demons from the body it possessed..,
speaking out would let these jagged words get to you,
so you could feel my pain.
let the blood spill as my demons sufficed.
such a firm grip on my soul.
so firm that it often made me weak.
tired, frustrated, discouraged, dejected..
my demons grew fond of me..
laughed at me,
made fun of me,
made me feel like I was made from nothing,
a forgotten nothing.
but I was something, and someone,
in the midst of the darkness.
demons feast upon the most undeserving souls. the most angelic so they say..
but even I had my share of iniquity,
so it found comfort in me...
from the little crack of light the slipped through..
alive, well, and morbid.
demons come from the darkest secretions in the heart.

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