

Thursday, November 10, 2016

untitled 10 p.m.

I wrote this because of you.
if I could take you where I've been,
you couldn't stand it.
if I could make you feel what I felt,
you'd feel the pain of a unforgiving flame.
the pain was unbearable.
if I show you my battle scars,
then maybe you'd hear my cries
through all the hurtful things you did,
all the painful things you put me through.
I remember the times where I'd sit by my phone,
waiting for a response to those long
text messages.
waiting for an answer on the other end of the line.
I got nothing.
nothing except for a thin string
that couldn't even save my life.
It was hopeless
You were the poison that I craved like
a hopeless drug.
I was attached.
I suffered from every dose from which I took in
more than enough.
you filled in those cracks from a wine glass that
was shattered long ago.
you continuously drunk from me,
draining the soul and spirit I had
till I had nothing left.
my shattered remains spilled.
one by one.
when would this end?
I walked as if I had it all together,
but inside I was dying,
dying from a lacerated love
I thought would heal,
but the shards remained
sharper than steel.
a cold blade that stabbed deep in my heart
I thought that was it
life was over as I knew it..
I had nothing left but a coaster to carry me.
I survived.

I lived to love again.

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