

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

strange existence? (thoughts)

sometimes when I look up at the moon, it appears to be super close. It almost looks too perfect... I feel like I am on the Truman Show. everything feels like a dream, or a memory or.., like it's not really real. when the moon is too beautiful in the sky, it's like a trigger for me to question reality.

I start questioning if this reality exist or not..., and then start to allow my mind to wander into parallel universe theories...

I come to the conclusion that everything around me is ephemeral and nothing REALLY exist outside of the projections of my mind. it scares me a little because it means.., maybe everything I do is for nothing, but somehow that realizations frees me a little as well.

I then take a deep breath, I slowly cast those thoughts aside., and assimilate to the physical plane placing these thoughts into the back of mind until they are triggered again.

Existence is strange.

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