

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

It's okay.

It's okay to have devious, demented, and dark thoughts. It comes with the territory of being human. but please.., love the good within you enough to not let them consume you. It's okay to look out on the edge of sanity and see the depths of madness below, but don't get too close and slip. don't get too overwhelmed with life that you jump..

I love you.

Stay open with yourself. Stay honest with yourself. Stay loving to yourself.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

things end. (naturally..)

this is just like those sunny days,
when things were warm, when things were smooth,
the days seemed to never end, just beginning.
routines never seemed so bad around this time.
I smiled more.
now that things have turned light,
things have turned cold and uneasy.
the leaves all fell naturally.
things were getting colder,
loves were turning numb.
everything in every aspect.
the things that made us warm..
that safe place..
things fell at an even faster pace.
too busy focusing on the leaves,
than the tree itself...

Sunday, December 4, 2016


too many thoughts go uncollected.
too little lessons when I retrospect.
trying to rekindle and connect.
trying to endure, and ash out the numb
while feeling such resentment.
dodging the empathy to be my relentment,
searching for contentment in others.
every time I'd slip,
falling in the validation of others without grip
of what I should understand.
like a victim of my own,
disconnected from my own alone.
suffering but seeing it in better perspective,
broken train of thought, a social defective.
constantly rejecting the sobriety,
battling the warriors of my anxiety,
so numb to the society..
in my own mind.
my own concepts.
in need of a recreated project.
there's no limits, no boundaries.
like a broken tune,
missing spaces misplaced rooms.
all in my mind
running to the things I'm escaping from..
But I'm just still so numb.