

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

strength in vulnerability

you stood taller than skyscrapers
stronger than concrete
you withstood anything that was thrown your way
never fathomed the idea of you being approachable
soon enough.

I don't want to feel restricted.
I want to be able to love you with my all..
let me in, I want to be able to connect and vibe with you
mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically..unconditionally.
I know that you've been hurt before and your childhood
had been hectic, and you're so use to loneliness..
ever since you were a child
people were so temporary to you
so hurtful towards you
this hurt branched out into relationships
I guess that was something you were just use to
you  had to learn how to be strong on your own..
it's like a never ending cycle to you
"i'm not like the rest" is so cliche..
let me be your tranquility
your serene and comfortable place..
let me show you something different
let me expand your thoughts
explore the depths of your mind
open your heart
can i show you that you can trust me?
give me one chance to change your hurt
into love,
I can show you how to love again
open your mind babygirl

then it happened
you're beautiful
everything that you have insecurities about?
I love.
every single curve and stretch mark?
I love.
I adore.
this isn't infatuation, 
this is love.
and it's the rarest form of purity.
it's natural.
not a fairy tale
natural in its' purest form.
so beautiful.
didn't think i'd ever have a chance
you were just that broken
thank God he made this last chance just for me
you're a Queen
who is so deserving of so much
so intelligent
with a genuine heart
so caring and sweet
something out of a fairy tale it seemed
we all have flaws but
I loved yours
you weren't anything like the rest
there was something so pure
so beautiful about you
you were strong enough for acceptance
and that never changed you
so intelligent and it all seemed so raw.
you were willing to love again
to keep trying.
always wanted better in life.
you are my beautiful muse
so special.. so strong
but yet so fragile..
thank God for women like you.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

the feels (thoughts)

Who are we without emotion? Without feelings? Without a brain or a heart? Hmm... without that we'd be walking zombies. Well, you have some people like this.., that try to cover and hide emotions, even though in reality that isn't good but sometimes it's only for the best. Then you have the ones that care a little too much; the big-hearted ones. The ones with the overwhelming emotions, teary eyes on a Friday night.
Do you ever feel like you're not enough? Do you ever feel like everything you're doing is wrong? You feel like you've done everything you could possibly do for a person out of love or to show them that you love them, but it's never enough. In the eyes of others you're perfect. Anyone would want a woman like you; strong minded, beautiful, educated, loyal.., but it's not enough. They say you'll never be enough for the wrong person, and that is a true statement because I've witnessed this for myself.
We all know that no one's perfect. We know that. We all fuck up sometimes, sometimes more than that, but there are some people that are willing to make things right and change for the sake of someone important; someone that means the world to them. Instead of pointing fingers just come together as one.. Even then only God knows. He will keep making fuck ups between you to because that's not where you need to be. Why do you keep going back to a broken relationship? Just like glass you can't fit all the pieces back together, you just can't. He has other plans for you. You just haven't realized that yet.